A blizzard in Upstate New York. A Jail Break, A kidnapping on a family’s dairy farm.
One man’s heroic quest to save his family . . .

Genre: Action/Adventure / Thriller
Location: U.S. (New York)
Producers: Scott J.T. Frank and Peter Ziebert
Writer: Scott J.T. Frank
Story Synopsis: A retired CIA operative loses his wife and father on 9/11. Faced with guilt and remorse for being an absentee husband, father and son over decades, he immediately retires from the rat race to raise his children at his father's tranquil dairy farm in upstate New York. The tranquility is shattered one fateful day during a blizzard while he is out helping other farmers when his family is taken hostage by a group of escapees from a nearby prison. The saga forces him to use all the skills and strength known from his prior life to save those he loves from the wrath of the escapees.